Thursday, August 29, 2024

Daily Masses Resume!

 During the academic year, daily Mass is held at the Campus Religious Center at 12:00n (with an 11:30a rosary).  All are welcome to join us!  A FREE lunch is available for all college students after Mass.

We are so glad to be getting back to the rhythm of college life!  We hope to have you join us!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Water Pong!

 Tuesday nights at the Campus Religious Center (CRC) have started for the semester!  After a supper of Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes (Thank you, Emma, for the idea!), we played water pong with five gallon buckets of water and soccer balls.  While no one got as wet as they did last year, it was a great night to be outside! 

After water pong, we wrapped up with the Catholic Card Game.  If you haven't experienced that yet, stop on by the CRC on a Tuesday evening in the near future.  You can usually find a game or two of that happening to wrap up the night!

Welcome Mass 2024

 Our first Mass of the semester was held on Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 11am.  This earlier Mass time allows for our students to be able to attend the other Gold Rush Day events, and house meetings, that fill move-in weekend.  It was a good opportunity for the students to meet their new Pastor, Father Steve, as well as for him to begin getting acquainted with the ebb and flow of Campus Life.

Thank you to our students who served in Mass ministry roles as well as welcoming students to the Campus Religious Center.  We look forward to the year ahead!

Welcome to Campus Root Beer Floats!

 A long standing tradition, which took a break for a couple of years, was back!  Root beer floats, served with 1919 root beer, fresh from the keg, were handed out to visitors to the Campus Religious Center on Thursday, August 22, as part of the move in day celebrations at Southwest Minnesota State University.  

A special "Thank YOU!" to the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, who assisted in serving more than 50 floats to our visitors!

Football Meal 2024!

 And just like that, summer is over!  We begin the year by welcoming the SMSU Football team to the Campus Religious Center for a meal.  Resources to get connected with faith communities in our area are provided.  We are grateful for the support from our Parish community of this event!  We had many hands to make light work of all of the tasks, and enough homemade bars and goodies to satisfy the hungriest football players!

As we begin another year at SMSU, remember "Let's Ride!"

Friday, April 12, 2024

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross were celebrated each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of Lent.  We had a good number of people who shared in this devotion, both from the community and the Campus.  We especially appreciated Abbey stepping in to lead the Stations of the Cross one afternoon!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Palm Sunday Mass

Our Palm Sunday liturgical team involved six of our students!  Thank you to Nicholas (whose picture was missed!), Buay, Abbey, Olivia, Stephen and Levi for all of the extras needed for that Mass.  Our special thanks to Father Denny, our presider for the Mass

March Saturday Retreat

 We have had a lot going on again, and not a lot of desk time!  There will be a number of posts to get caught up on the updates over the next several days!

On Saturday, March 16, we held our monthly retreat morning.  This month, we focused on the Eucharist.  It was a beautiful morning filled with Sacraments, good food, better conversation, and time in prayer individually, together and in front of the Blessed Sacrament!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Pancakes and Eggs for FREE!

 One of our annual Lenten outreach opportunities is our FREE pancakes and eggs one Friday.  This year, we changed from a supper to a mid-day meal.  We served 20 faculty and staff cheesy eggs and pancakes with syrup, peanut butter, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and whipped cream as their topping choices.  We also had juice and applesauce.

This has been an annual event, spearheaded by the Men of Newman!  Thank you for Levi for handling the pancakes, Olivia for cooking the eggs, Sioux Council and Dave for the donations, Doreen for the extra hands, and Abbey, Elaina and Stephen who helped bring it all together.  Special thanks to Gerry, the Newman Club Advisor from Campus, who joined us for today's event.